Year 2014

Dr Gary Beauchamp and Louise Slade

Dr Gary Beauchamp and Louise Slade 768 481 Oleocanthal Society

Dr Gary Beauchamp and Louise Slade, Scientific and Philanthropist.

Olive Oli Times

Olive Oli Times 864 541 Oleocanthal Society

Olive Oli Times

Visit to Finca Duernas

Visit to Finca Duernas 1195 800 Oleocanthal Society

Visit to Finca Duernas with Drs. Beauchamp and Amérigo, Córdoba.

Conference in the Diputación de Córdoba

Conference in the Diputación de Córdoba 1195 800 Oleocanthal Society

Conference of Dr. Gary Beauchamp in the Diputación de Córdoba, Córdoba.

Conference Centro de Interpretación del Olivar

Conference Centro de Interpretación del Olivar 1195 800 Oleocanthal Society

Conference of Dr. Amérigo at the Centro de Interpretación del Olivar, Jaén.

Beginnings OIS

Beginnings OIS 1195 800 Oleocanthal Society

Dr. Amérigo in his beginnings in the OIS «selling at the Evoo Fair of AOVESOL, the Oleocanthal, to more than 40 participants», Puerto Marina, Málaga. And then visit Dr. Amérigo to Suerte Alta, with Manuel Heredia.